i can flutter and take your breath away.
i can take a beating but do not bruise.
if i stopped you would be sure to lose?
everyday i am with you.
what am i?
“Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within.”
— Sigmund Freud
— Sigmund Freud
“We live in this culture where everything is supposed to be so hip and so cool, and it’s not cool to love, and it’s not cool to take care of each other, and it’s not cool to stand up for ourselves. But you know what? Fuck all of that. I believe in love, and I believe that the only way that we are going to survive this fucking craziness that’s going on in our world today is if we just learn to look at love, turn our heads the other way from all the bullshit, and fucking love.”
— Andrew McMahon
— Andrew McMahon

p.s. i love Tiana Bezzina.